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The BranchED Resource Portal is designed to support both teacher educators and PK-12 partners in their professional development. Whether you’re seeking information on a particular topic, looking to take an online course, or to stay current with our evolving library of resources, we’ve got something for you.

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Nuts & Bolts Webinar Navigating the AI Revolution in Education: Redefining Classroom Dynamics

For: Community Based Organization, Educational Policy Maker, Higher Education Administrator, Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Administrator, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

In this webinar, we delve into the transformative impact of AI on assignments, assessments, class dynamics, and beyond. Dr. Jose Antonio Bowen shares highly relevant resources and gives hands-on exercises to try.

Nuts & Bolts Webinar Rebooting Education: A Panel Discussion on the Role of Technology and AI in the Classroom

For: Community Based Organization, Educational Policy Maker, Higher Education Administrator, Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Administrator, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

This webinar features a parent panel on the impact of artificial intelligence and technology in education. This panel will share thoughts on how technology is affecting their children's lives, their hopes for educational technology, and what they worry about when it comes to AI in education.

Nuts & Bolts Webinar Digital Citizenship: Equipping Students for an AI-Driven Future

For: Community Based Organization, Educational Policy Maker, Higher Education Administrator, Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Administrator, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

In this webinar, Sue Thotz, Director of Outreach for Common Sense, will discuss strategies for promoting ethical practices in AI-driven education digital environments, ensuring inclusivity, transparency, and accountability.

Resource Spotlight Pathways to Practice: Enhancing Teacher Candidate Preparation

For: Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Administrator, Teacher Candidate

This video explicates features of, and use cases for, our Pk-12 Learning Toolkit developed by BranchED with a group of our core community and district members. The toolkit includes four strands: Special Education, Curriculum Literacy, Technology Platforms, and General Policies and Procedures.

Creating Positive Learning Environments

For: Community Based Organization, Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Administrator, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

This toolkit offers practical tools to help educators create and co-create positive learning environments. The materials also support a shift in language and perspectives reflecting asset-based pedagogies, and growth mindset.

Intentionality in Creating Positive Learning Environments

For: Community Based Organization, Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Administrator, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

This research brief provides an overview of instructional approaches that have been found to support the development of positive learning environments.

BranchED seeks to support individual educator preparation programs (EPPs) and the field at large in reimagining and redefining “quality” preparation programs such that attention to issues of diversity and equity are explicit, embedded, and inextricably linked to high-quality performance.

The Resource Portal was created to support our community by providing resources such as instructional materials, online modules, podcasts, practice-based learning opportunities, research briefs, teaching video library, tool/toolkit, and webinars.

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