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The BranchED portal is designed to support both teacher educators and PK-12 partners in their professional development. Whether you’re seeking information on a particular topic, looking to take an online course, or to stay current with our evolving library of resources, we’ve got something for you.

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Teaching Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: Practice-Based Instruction and Assessment

For: Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Administrator, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

This instructional material will provide practice-based models for instruction and assessment of phonological and phonemic awareness skills. The materials will serve as a template that can be adjusted by faculty, teacher leaders, and teacher candidates.

Nuts & Bolts Webinar: Looking Back, Looking Around, Looking Forward: The Ecosystem Approach to Education

For: Community Based Organization, Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Administrator, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

This engages a panel of three extraordinary educational leaders: Dr. Ira Murray, Mr. Jermar Rountree, and Mr. Kurt Russell who discuss history of schools, the current landscape, and the future of classrooms. They also highlight an ecosystem approach focusing on communities.

Promotora Project Book List

For: Community Based Organization, Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Administrator, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

The Promotora Project is a family engagement project that seeks to empower a group of Teacher Candidates and community liaisons, or what we call Early Literacy Promotoras, to support the early literacy development of Spanish speaking children. The following is a list of books that each team used.

Interactive Read Aloud: Effective Components & Rehearsals with Teacher Candidates

For: Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

This toolkit provides basic background information on the interactive read aloud (IRA) and essential components of the IRA. This toolkit can be utilized by teacher educators and teacher candidates for rehearsals information.

Reading Fluency: Evidence Based Practices for Teaching Reading Fluency

For: Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

This toolkit provides basic background information on reading fluency and practice-based strategies. It includes a definition for reading fluency and discusses the importance of reading fluency. Evidence-based strategies for teaching reading fluency and excerpts from fluency lessons are included.

Exploring African Diaspora Literacy as a Model for Empowering Children: Fostering Literacy Skills

For: Higher Education Faculty, PK-12 Teacher, Teacher Candidate

In this toolkit, early childhood educators will explore African Diaspora Literacy as an approach for empowering children. Resources and reflective questions are provided to support early childhood educators.

BranchED seeks to support individual educator preparation programs (EPPs) and the field at large in reimagining and redefining “quality” preparation programs such that attention to issues of diversity and equity are explicit, embedded, and inextricably linked to high-quality performance.

The Resource Portal was created to support our community by providing resources such as instructional materials, online modules, podcasts, practice-based learning opportunities, research briefs, teaching video library, tool/toolkit, and webinars.

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