Nuts & Bolts Framework Series--Empowered by Data: Fostering a Culture of Inquiry

Welcome to the BranchED Nuts & Bolts Webinar Series on our Framework for Quality Educator Preparation. The BranchED Framework outlines a roadmap to create teacher preparation programs that meet the needs of our increasingly diverse student body. We seek to prepare educators to reflect, respect, and reify the value of the diversity of America's PK12 students.

Quality Educator preparation is Data Empowered. Data empowerment is empowering individuals and the collective to assess and engage with their own data to improve their community. It is most effective when it addresses and dismantles issues of inequity. In this webinar, learn how educator preparation providers (EPPs) have transitioned from a culture of compliance to an active culture of inquiry, utilizing an authentic and ongoing cycle of evidence-based improvement that begins with asking thoughtful questions, moves through organizational learning and action, and ends with an evaluation of the effectiveness of actions taken.

Our presenters walk us through the process that they took to harness existing data and become a successful culture of inquiry.

Brief: Data Empowerment

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